Miso soup is a traditional Japanese soup consisting of a soft miso paste, mixed with dashi stock. Miso soup is one of the lowest-calorie intake food items. If you do...
A crumble is a dish that can be made in a sweet or savory version, although the sweet version is much more common. This oatmeal apple crumble is made with...
Grown for its root, turmeric has an ancient history of uses in cooking, especially its most active compound curcumin has many scientifically proven health benefits. It is easily available in stores....
Poke is diced raw fish served with rice and one of the main dishes of Native Hawaiian cuisine. However I have done a quick stir fry of the fish, but...
The modern English word loaf is derived from the Old English half. Breakfast ideas can seem to be limited at times. I have made this spongy and light loaf of egg to...
You can eat dates at any time of the day without any digestive issues. They also make for an energy-rich snack that will keep you full. I personally enjoy eating snickers, so...
Wild rice is not rice at all, they are seeds of an aquatic grass that looks like rice. It takes longer than normal rice to cook. I have mixed brown rice with this...
Crêpes are usually of two types: sweet crêpes and savory. I have made a savory one here with zesty salsa and fresh coconut garnish. This dish is perfect to start...
Oats are a cereal commonly eaten in the form of oatmeal or rolled oats and they have a range of potential health benefits. These energy bombs are made of oats and coconut, which...
Brown lentils are by far the most common variety of lentils, and probably the one that you see at your local grocery store. They can range in color from brown...