Squid is eaten in many cuisines; in English, the culinary name calamari is often used for squid dishes. Cooking Squid is really easy. However, you have to be careful about the cooking time. It should either be 2 minutes or 30 minutes on low flame. Anything in between will make it chewy and rubbery. I will share with you a quick 2 minutes cooking recipe. Butter Garlic sauce is always a no-fail recipe and best when it comes to fewer spices and enjoying the real meat taste. This recipe requires basic ingredients that you will always have in your kitchen.
Calories – 350c
Prep Time – 5 minutes
Cook time – 7 minutes
Serving – 2
Ingredients :
200gms Squid (cut into round slices)
4-5 Tbsp Butter (unsalted or salted, you can adjust salt later accordingly)
4 Garlic Cloves
2 Green Chilies
4 Button Mushrooms (optional)
1 Medium-size Onion
1 Medium Size Bell Pepper
1 Tbsp Soy Sauce
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 Tsp Honey
Seasoning (Black pepper powder and Red chili flakes)
Garnish (Spring Onion)
Recipe :
- Marinate the squid in a dash of lemon juice and a dash of black pepper powder for about 5 minutes.
- In a pan, heat butter, add minced garlic cloves, chopped onion, chopped green chilies, sliced mushrooms and sliced bell pepper. Sautee well for about 2 minutes.
- Add 1 Tbs soy sauce, 1 Tsp lemon juice, 1 Tbsp honey, 1 Tsp black pepper powder, and 1 Tsp red chili flakes. Mix all well and cook for 30 seconds. (add a splash of water if needed)
- Add the squid, mix and toss all well and cook for exactly 2 minutes only.
Garnish with chopped spring onions.
It is as simple as it sounds. Enjoy this dish as a side or on its own with a slice of baguette or a plate of greens. Do let me know if you like this quick and simple recipe. Also, please do share more ideas of cooking with me, via contact me on my homepage.
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