Beetroot Crêpes

Crêpes are usually of two types: sweet crêpes and savory. I have made a savory one here with zesty salsa and fresh coconut garnish. This dish is perfect to start your day on a vibrant note🙂 So let’s get creative and make this dish for your loved ones, especially if you have kids around. It took me only 10 minutes to prepare this dish as I had some boiled beetroots ready.

Calories – 100c per crepe
Prep time – 5 minutes
Cooking time – 5 minutes
Servings – 4-5 Crepes

Ingredients :

2 Beetroot (a handful of canned beetroots will be perfect too)
3-4 Tbsp. Wheat All Purpose Flour (you can use white all-purpose flour)
1 Large Egg
1/2 cup Milk
1/2 cup Water
(salt, pepper, lemon juice, cilantro/coriander, and chili flakes)
Garnish (grated coconut and spring onions, optional)

Recipe :

  • Boil beetroots. Once cooled down, put the beetroots, flour, egg, milk, water, salt, pepper and a dash of oil in a food processor or a mixer and give a good blend until you have a nice smooth batter (there might be a few small chunks of beetroot, but its ok)
  • Heat a skillet with oil and pour the batter in small quantities to make individual crepes, give a round shape using back of a hollow spoon in circular motion to the batter. Make a few in batches, cook well (3 minutes both the sides)
  • Meanwhile make an easy and quick salsa – mix diced onion, tomato, cilantro/coriander, lemon juice and pepper.
  • Fold the crepes as shown in the pic or roll them, as per your preference. Serve with salsa and dollop of yogurt for that creamy flavor.

I have garnished it with some grated coconut. Please do let me know if you like this recipe in the comments section or share more ideas with me via contact me on the homepage.

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