Breakfast ideas can sometimes feel very limited. However, this recipe will help you add another dish to your mornings.This meal is the best when eaten as it is because it...
Breakfast egg muffins are spongy and flavorful, it is because of the air bubbles that get baked into the eggs. When I make egg muffins it’s usually as part of my meal prep. That...
Start your day with a vibrant plate of creamy avocado and a perfect sunny side up with some grilled bacon on a green salad bed. Now that sounds a lot,...
No flour, no eggs, and no sugar cookies! yes, I know it may sound a bit surprising, after all, it’s about being creative and healthy this time. Oat cookies are...
Savory pancake is a very creative and quick way to make breakfast or snack table more vibrant and out of the box 🙂 I have made mild flavor spinach pancakes...
Cucumbers are mild, refreshing, and high in water content. It keeps you full and cool 🙂 I mostly have a cucumber boat as it gives me a wide range for...
I really enjoy making Banana boats for my family. I get to be creative here and use whatever I have in my kitchen to make this vibrant and appealing plate...
One Pan cooking is my favorite thing to do. It helps me lessen the mess in the kitchen and saves me a lot of time 🙂 This Breakfast pan in...
Easy food art in no time. Cook to impress, why not have a chia pudding glass instead of a bowl :). This pudding can be served as a dessert or...